Catch Up Premium
Catch-up Premium: COVID 19 (2020-2021)
For this school year, COVID Catch-up funding has replaced the Year 7 Literacy & Numeracy Catch-up Premium.
Year 7 Literacy & Numeracy Catch-up Premium
This funding is provided to all schools who have students with low attainment in literacy and numeracy arriving in Year 7.
Low attainment is defined as attainment below age-related expectations.
The purpose of this funding is to enable schools to deliver additional support, providing a boost to these students’ progress.
In February 2020, Clare Mount received £15,543 extra funding for this.
We have studied the research carefully in regard to intervention strategies that have evidence of success. We therefore, use this funding:
- To provide training for staff on the Dyslexia-Friendly classroom, Working Memory and strategies to teach students with Autism
- To facilitate adult reading and paired reading time so students encounter vocabulary that they would otherwise not experience
To access additional ICT resources such as iPads for Year 7 which enhance lessons and provide motivators
To support a greatly enhanced transition to reduce the impact of this change on our new students and enable them to settle into Clare Mount more effectively