Policies / Documents
Please see below for our school prospectus and policy documents.
School policies, procedures and statements cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.
- Admissions.pdf
- CM1 Anti bullying Policy Dec 2024.pdf
- CMP1 Complaints.pdf
- CMS12 Safeguarding.pdf
- CM2 Administration of Medicines in School.pdf
- CMP3 Whole School Attendance.pdf
- CM6 Equality & Diversity.pdf
- CM7 Educational Visits.pdf
- CMP6 Marking Procedure.pdf
- 8 CM16 Behaviour Policy Apr 2024.pdf
- CM18 Acceptable Use.pdf
- CM19 Safeguarding Policy 2024-2027 Updated Dec2024.pdf
- CM19 Safeguarding Policy Appendices-2024-27.pdf
- CM20 Appeals Policy.pdf
- CM22 RSE Policy.pdf
- CM29 Whole School Attendance.pdf
- CM34 Exam Policy.pdf
- CM39 Preparation for Adulthood & Careers (1).pdf
- CM50 Homework Oct 2023.pdf
- CM56 Collective Worship.pdf
- CM59 Dyslexia Friendly.pdf
- CM69 Admissions.pdf
- CM79 Remote Learning & Assessment Policy February 2025.pdf
- CMF4 School Charging.pdf
- CM21 SEN and inclusion.pdf