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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change

8 - Working with parents/carers

8.1 Overview


We pride ourselves at Clare Mount Specialist Sports College on the collaborative work that we do and the good relationships we have with parents/carers.  They can provide valuable information as in many cases the parents/carers are acutely aware of the difficulties that they and their children are experiencing.  Without a good relationship with school, evidence shows that parents may not raise these issues.  The more confident a parent/carer feels about approaching the school and being listened to, the more likely that they will raise concerns.   This is pivotal to the early identification and implementation of support.  We use a variety of different tools for keeping the lines of communication open with parents/carers including:


  • Option at parents’ evening to raise concerns.
  • Pastoral staff/student support staff available in school for parents to ring or drop in and see.
  • Information evenings for parents to come to school to hear about initiatives surrounding mental health.
  • ‘Youth Connect 5’ parental engagement course.
  • ‘Bungalow Pals’
  • Regular Home Visits for targeted families.
  • Drop-in Sessions
  • Ensuring that parent/carer views are considered on emotional and mental health provision.
  • Liaison with parents/carers on interventions and resources used to promote effective management of emotional health and well-being.
  • Ensuring that parents/carers are supported to enable them to participate in activities which promote positive emotional health and mental well-being.
  • Parents/carers are made fully aware of the school’s mental health policy and how the school will deal with sensitive issues and specific questions from pupils.

The Ofsted Inspection framework expects schools to engage parents/carers in supporting pupils’ achievement, behaviour and safety and their spiritual, social and cultural development.

