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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change

Exam Timetable

Year 11 Mock Timetable November 2024

Mocks will take place from Wednesday 20th November to Wednesday 27th November.


The timetable is below.

Use the bar at the bottom to scroll across to see all the exams

  • All mocks will take place in the hall
  • They will take place during lessons 1 & 2 and lessons 4 & 5 each day
  • Your subject teachers will tell you if you are taking a mock in their subject
  • If you have any questions about this timetable ask your form tutor, Head of Year or Mrs Nokes


Wednesday 20th

Thursday 21st

Friday 22nd

Monday 25th

Tuesday 26th

Wednesday 27th


Maths paper 1




If you are not in the exam you will have

Mrs Holt lesson 1

Mrs Spraklen lesson 2

English Language




If you are not in the exam you will have

PE as normal

History or Geography paper 1



If you are not in the exam you will have

Mrs Spraklen lesson 1

Mrs Holt lesson 2

Maths Paper 2




If you are not in the exam you will have

Mrs Holt lesson 1

Miss Perry lesson 2

Add IT/H&C/ French (writing) / Drama/ GCSE PE


If you are not in the exam you will be told where to go


English Literature




If you are not in the exam you will have

Mrs Freeman lesson 1

Mrs Spraklen lesson 2






You will have your normal lesson

You will have your normal lesson

You will have your normal lesson

You will have your normal lesson

You will have your normal lesson

You will have your normal lesson








If you are not in the exam you will have

Mrs Freeman lesson 4

Miss Perry  lesson 5





If you are not in the exam you will have

Miss Perry lesson 4

Mrs Spraklen lesson 5


French (reading)




If you are not in the exam you will have

D of E as normal

History or Geography Paper 2



If you are not in the exam you will have

Mrs Spraklen lesson 4

Mrs Freeman lesson 5


Additional Science / Media



If you are not in the exam you will have

Your normal Art or DT lessons





If you are not in the exam you will have

Mrs Freeman lesson 4

Miss Perry lesson 5



