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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change

Websites For Pupils

If you need to talk to someone right now, because you're worried, anxious or feeling low - each of the services below are there to help: 



Clicking on any of the names above will take you through the their websites, too, where you can find lots of helpful information

Rocket Phonics

Please click on the image below to go to the Rocket Phonics Log in page.

Renaissance Reading

Please click on the logo below to reach Renaissance Reading:

Reading Plus

Please click on the logo below to reach Reading Plus:

My Maths

Please click on the link below to reach My Maths:



Please click the link below to reach Kooth for support with your mental wellbeing:

Zillo Wirral

Please click the link below for local youth events and activities:



Please follow the link below to access the Childline website:


Please follow the link below to reach Childnet for support with online safety:

CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection

Please follow the link below for information about reporting online abuse and/or bullying:

Maths Watch

Please click the link below to access Maths Watch:


BBC Bitesize

Please click the link below for BBC Bitsize:

