6th Form
New Life and Amazing Experiences at Woodchurch Farm and Tam O'Shanter's

As part of our Preparation for Adulthood programme, sixth form welcomed Heather an ex pupil of Clare Mount to our Sixth form Centre to kick off our World of Work topic this half term.
Heather told us all about her experiences and memories of school and how she moved through college to a variety of different jobs. She was so inspiring and easy to talk to!
She answered lots of questions and was a joy to have. It's fair to say we have started this half term on a high! Each Monday we have a 'Give an Hour' volunteer visiting Sixth Form from different areas of employment.
Work at home activities - Summer Term
Work at Home Activities
The aim of Sixth Form education at Clare Mount is to:
- Equip students with independence skills to reduce vulnerability
- To provide students with qualifications that are purposeful and relevant
- To prepare students to successfully transition to a course, work or traineeship that they have decided for themselves
- To enable them to stay safe and healthy, including hygiene and self-help skills
- To ensure students are able to take responsibly for their own actions and decisions
Our aim is to develop independence in all aspects of Education, Health and Social Skills.
Sixth Form students are encouraged to take their role as the ‘Heads of School’ by becoming Peer mentors, Student Council representatives, Health and Well-Being representatives, Prefects and Head Boy/ Head Girl team.
All sixth form students are treated as young adults and our expectations of behaviour are high.
Every students will have an Individual Transition Plan, which includes all of the personal skills that a particular pupil needs to make a successful transition to further education or employment, including:
- Independent travel
- Managing money
- Making own food/ drinks
- Being healthy and hygienic
- Looking after themselves (making a bed, cleaning up, cleaning clothing)
In addition to this, their Transition Plans will include the necessary courses/ qualifications for that pupil to progress to their chose further education and employment.
Those pupils requiring 3 year provision will have a Transition Plan that ensures that independence skills and college preparation are the central focus.
All students will work on developing their independence, self-confidence and communication as these are key employability skills.
Pupils who require Year 13 / Year 14 provision will have new targets set at the beginning of each year, so that the targets they have remain current and progressive.
Work Experience is integral to our provision and we strive to give our students as many opportunities as possible. We work with a wealth of employers and ensure that all our students have at least one day per week experiencing the workplace. We also offer Pre-Internships of up to 3 days per week for a small number of students.
Employability skills are embedded in our curriculum with reference to work place skills in every subject.
Transition to further education is integral to our provision. All students visit a range of providers so that they can make informed choices for their next step.