Spectrum Steps
Based on the Clare Mount Progression, these are the Levels of Attainment in PE
Step |
Physical Me |
Thinking Me |
Social Me |
Healthy Me |
1 |
I can copy, repeat and explore simple skills and actions with basic control and coordination. |
I can link these skills and actions in ways that suit the activities. |
I can describe and comment on my own and others’ actions. |
I can talk about how to exercise safely and how my body feels during an activity. |
2 |
I can explore simple skills. I can copy, remember, repeat and explore simple actions with control and coordination. |
I can vary skills, actions and ideas and link these in ways that suit the activities. |
I can talk about differences between my own and others’ performances and suggest improvements. |
I can understand how to exercise safely and describe how my body feels during different activities. |
3 |
I can select and use skills, actions and ideas appropriately applying them with coordination and control. |
I can show that I understand tactics and composition by starting to vary how I respond. |
I can see how my work is similar to and different from others’ work and use this understanding to improve my own performance. |
I can give reasons why warming up before an activity is important and why physical activity is good for my health. |
4 |
I can link skills, techniques and ideas and apply them accurately and appropriately. My performance shows precision, control and fluency. |
My performance shows precision, control and fluency and that I understand tactics and composition. |
I can compare and comment on skills and techniques and the ways they are applied in my own and others’ work and use this understanding to improve my performance. |
I can explain and apply basic safety principles in preparing for exercise. I can describe what effects exercise has on my body and how it is valuable to my fitness and health. |
5 |
I can select and combine my skills, techniques and ideas and apply them accurately and appropriately, consistently showing precision, control and fluency. |
When performing I can draw on what I know about strategy, tactics and composition. |
I can analyse and comment on skills and techniques and how these are applied in my own and others’ work. I can modify and refine skills and techniques to improve my performance. |
I can explain how the body reacts during different types of exercise and warm up and cool down in ways that suit the activity. I can explain why regular safe exercise is good for my fitness & health. |
666 6 |
I can select and combine skills, techniques and ideas. I can apply them in ways that suit the activity with consistent precision, control and fluency. |
When planning my own and others’ work and carrying out my own work, I can draw on what I know about strategy, tactics and composition in different situations and what I know about my own and others’ strengths and weaknesses. |
I can analyse and comment on how skills, techniques and ideas are used in my own and others’ work and on compositional and other aspects of performance and suggest ways to improve. |
I can explain how to prepare for and recover from the activities. I can explain how different types of exercise contribute to my fitness and health and describe how I might get involved in other types of activities and exercise. |
Appropriately – at the right time Distinguish – tell the difference between Consistently – over and over again Modify – change Contribute - add