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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change

Online Safety

Online Safety at Clare Mount

The internet is a great way to discover, create and connect with people. It is an almost infinite source of information and, consequently, an invaluable tool for the teaching and learning of many - if not all - school subjects.
The safe use of the Internet is very important to us at Clare Mount. Although incidences of poor behaviour are rare, when they do happen, they often involve the use of social media and, due to the advent of the smartphone, the problems can continue (or start!) outside of school!

Here at Clare Mount, we proactively promote online safety and the prevention of cyberbullying. We are members of the National Online Safety Network - part of The National College. We celebrate and promote online safety in a number of ways: Through our ICT curriculum, led by our Head of ICT, Mr Kearney; through our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education curriculum and through whole-school campaigns, such as Safer Internet Day (early February each year - as part of Children's Mental Health Week)
Below are links to some fantastic websites for both Pupils and Parents so that you can get the most out of your electronic devices in the safest way.

The National Online safety platform has a wealth of information for parents, designed to help you keep your children safe online, including webinars, infographics, top-tips and links to other resources. This is a screenshot displaying just a small selection of the many resources available to you - as a parent / young person

To access any of these resources, click this link

Thinkuknow. An Introduction to Parents and Carers

Who are CEOP and the NCA? What do they do? What is the Thinkuknow website? This presentation introduces parents and carers to the ThinkuKnow education programme. It highlight some of the resources available for children and reminds parents and carers of some of the things they can do to keep their child safe online.

What Parents and Carers Need to Know........... advice sheets.

Do you know your Twitter from your Telegram, Signal from Safe Online Shopping, Torrents from your Tellonym and Phishing from Yolo. No? Don't worry we've got you covered. Use the following link to access guides from the National Online Safety website that explain everything about Gaming, Social Media, Online Relationships, Online Identity, Online Platforms and much more. This page will be continually updated with guides in order to keep up with new apps, consoles, games and general information.

Have a concern or need advice about staying safe online?

Whether you are a parent or a student at Clare Mount, if you have any concerns or would like some advice from our online safety team at Clare Mount please use this contact form below to get in touch.
