Aims and Objectives
All pupils are entitled to high quality career education and guidance as part of their overall education. The Careers Leader, Careers Advisor and school teaching staff will work together to ensure that all pupils are well informed, knowledgeable, confident and prepared for further education and/or employment when they leave Clare Mount.
The school is committed to fulfilling the requirements of all 8 Gatsby Benchmarks
- BM1 A stable Careers programme
- BM2 Learning from Career and labour market information
- BM3 Addressing the needs of each student
- BM4 Linking curriculum learning to careers
- BM5 Encounters with employers and employees
- BM6 Experience of workplaces
- BM7 Encounters with further and higher education
- BM8 Personal Guidance
- To develop links between subject learning and careers
- To develop employability and enterprise skills, such as teamwork, problem solving, initiative and communication.
- To help students to plan and take control of their future making informed choices at key points in their education.
- To provide students with the relevant careers inspiration and guidance that is suitable to their personal needs including age, ability, attitudes and aptitudes.
- To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of opportunities post 16 and post 18 including traineeships, apprenticeships, school leaver programmes, HE, FE, employment and training opportunities.
- To help students to reflect on themselves – their abilities, skills, aptitudes and attitudes – so that they can use this knowledge to consider their development.
- To provide students with impartial advice about options that is available to them.
- To provide equality of access to careers inspiration and guidance.