Head's Welcome
Welcome to Clare Mount Specialist Sports College.
I hope you find the information displayed here useful, whether you are a pupil having a peek at what your friends have been doing, a prospective parent wanting to find out more about our school, or an existing parent simply wanting to keep up to date with life at Clare Mount.
This web site is updated frequently with the latest news, information, calendar dates as well as a gallery of photos highlighting the children’s work and events.
Clare Mount is a growing Secondary Special School in Moreton, Wirral with 341 pupils on roll. Classes are typically 8-12 in size and the children flourish in the close knit environment and never cease to amaze us with their fantastic achievements year on year. There is a purposeful, calm atmosphere in the school where children have fun, are expected to work to the very best of their abilities, learn new skills and behave well. The pupils are supported by a hard-working team of teachers, teaching assistants, learning mentors and a diverse group of visiting professionals. The whole staff work tirelessly to make the pupils’ learning journey a rewarding experience and their commitment and dedication to delivering this aim is unfailing.
In 2021, OFSTED once again rated the school as outstanding and recognised the following aspects of our school. “Leaders have established an ambitious and engaging curriculum. This meets the individual needs of pupils very well, including those who are disadvantaged. Leaders and staff focus on getting to know pupils quickly when they start at the school. Leaders’ mantra is ‘safe and settled’. Pupils have their sensory needs met very well, for example, by dancing to music on the playground or burning off excess energy in the gym. This approach ensures that pupils are ready to learn.”
It is a real privilege to be Headteacher of this school and I am so very proud of all the people who contribute in some way to providing high quality education and fabulous opportunities for our children. Over the course of the last two years we have said goodbye to our Fender Lane site and moved to Birket Avenue, where we are excited to take advantage of the extra facilities the new site offers our whole community.
On a final note, you the parents/carers are the most important person in your child’s life and as such it is really important that we work together and support each other in making sure your child gets the very best education possible. Our door is always open to you, so please feel comfortable to get in touch with us with any concern or query you may have.