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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change

Letter to parents / carers from Julie Webster, Wirral's Director of Public Health re: Face Coverings

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am writing to all schools in Wirral today to ask that parents and carers take extra care as Wirral’s coronavirus cases continue to rise.


The number of people with coronavirus has increased dramatically since the end of August and remains high.


We are seeing more people from all age groups testing positive across all areas of Wirral. This is why we have taken the decision to write to ask that all parents and carers in Wirral wear face coverings when collecting and dropping off their children at school. This will apply from Monday 21st September.


I would also ask you to please take note of the following points:


 Whilst certain individuals are exempt from wearing face coverings (for example those with particular medical conditions), they will still be expected to maintain social distance. Wearing a face covering does not replace the need for social distancing.

 We are asking you as parents and carers to wear a face covering at school pick-up/drop-off points, but your children will only be expected to wear face coverings indoors in communal areas of secondary schools. The focus on adults is due to the unavoidable congestion that is happening at some school pick-up/drop-off points and the higher risk of COVID19 transmission from adult to adult, which is not replicated amongst children.

 As part of the increased measures for schools, members of school staff who oversee drop-off and collection times will also be required to wear a face covering.


Further detail about face covering use in schools can be found at:

I appreciate your support with these protective measures.


We must all do our bit and keep Wirral Well.


Kind regards,


Julie Webster


Director of Public Health
