6th Form update
The focus in Sixth Form this half term is world of work. We have been completing our ASDAN Work Awareness module and had a visitor in to the Sixth Form Centre. Roberta came in to tell us about the 350 jobs in the NHS—we tried on stethoscopes too! Miss Vicars’s form group went on a visit to the hairdressers; Mrs McLeod's form group went to LIDL; and Mrs Cooper-Shone has taken students on 5 College trips! Tina from mencap came in too. The expressive arts group have decorated stones for the outside of the centre and the gardening group have planted daffodils to pretty the place up! The peer mentors made clay vases and we took a train trip. The enterprise group are making some crafts for Easter too. We also visited the HIVE again for Leisure. All in all we have had a pretty busy term!!