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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change

SMILES All Around at Clare Mount Dance Festival: 'Back Where We Belong!'

This week is National School Sports Week. Several months ago, it was decided that our 'main event' of National School Sports Week would be the coordination of a Wirral-wide Dance Festival, coordinated with our partners 'SHADow Dance' and Wirral School Games.


The Youth Sport Trust, pioneers and supporters of National School Sports Week describe a successful event in terms of the acronym: S.M.I.L.E.S. which describes an event which:


Is Safe

Features Maximum Participation

Is Inclusive

Is full of Learning

Is Enjoyable

and allows all participants to Succeed


It is hard to imagine an example of an event that embodies these principles better than what was on show last night at the magnificent Floral Pavilion in New Brighton. Throughout the day over 400 children and young people performed their carefully-rehearsed and choreographed compositions in front of an audience that topped-out at 850 in the evening. 


The level of dedication, expertise, determination, skill and imagination on show was simply stunning. Lucy Poynton, dance teacher at Clare Mount Specialist Sports College and founder of SHADow Dance described the event afterwards as a 'fantastic, inspiring and emotional day' and very few people, if anyone would disagree.


If you'd like to see some more footage from the event, including videos of our fab Clare Mount dancers: please visit our Physical Education Page here:
