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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change

The Well School Movement

Clare Mount Specialist Sports College is one of  30 Founding schools across the UK to create the Well School movement; which now has nearly 500 member schools. We are proud to also be the Lead School (Merseyside) for both Inclusion and Health and Wellbeing. Clare Mount has pledged to demonstrate our commitment to staff and student wellbeing through our teaching and learning, culture and enrichment.  


The three pillars of the Well School movement are:

Well Led - Staff and Senior Leadership wellbeing is actively supported and championed by all, ensuring that a positive wellbeing culture is in place allowing staff to be at their best for themselves and their students. Ensuring positive wellbeing is promoted and actively developed demonstrates that we are 'well led.'

Well Prepared  - In order for our young people to be prepared for the world, they must develop a broad interest and understanding of the world around them. The 'five ways to wellbeing' and 'My Personal Best' character education framework are embedded within the school and Clare Mount students develop morals and character while gaining experiences that will help them be well prepared to thrive in a turbulent and ever-changing world

Well Equipped - Clare Mount students need to develop the skills needed for the modern world and be ready for employment in the future. Our students will become well equipped through the taught curriculum and wider enrichment programme.

These three pillars together help build a positive culture and climate of wellbeing allowing the whole school community to fulfil their potential.

Clare Mount Well-Schools Dashboard  
As a founder school of the national Well Schools Network we are committed to placing wellbeing and mental health at the heart of all we do  
Below you can see how we measure that we are 'well led,' 'well equipped' and 'well prepared' to achieve this aim  
Well Schools Theme Measure Additional Information
Leadership and Strategy • The school has a named member of the Senior Leadership Team who leads on Mental Health and Wellbeing
• The school has a named governor who leads on mental health and wellbeing and holds school leaders to account
• The school has a bespoke mental health policy, reinforced through multiple other policies including safeguarding, bullying, induction and performance management
• The views and concerns of the entire school community are regularly sought in a calendar of activities including surveys and meetings
• The school has a health and wellbeing steering group, with a full and engaged membership, meeting once per term 
Structure and Culture (Staff) • Staff survey completed and analysed annually with subsequent actions completed
• % of staff who are both happy and proud to work at Clare Mount
• % staff who feel their views are listened to at all levels and on all aspects of school life
• % of staff who can effectively manage their workload
• % of staff with accreditation / qualification in relevant adult and youth mental health CPD
Structure and Culture (Pupils) • Number of Clare Mount staff working full or part time to improve the social, emotional and mental health of pupils
• % of the school week that pupils spend in pastoral groups and personal development sessions
• % of school staff who are confident in supporting pupils who are experiencing distress or poor mental health
• % of pupils who undergo a comprehensive review of their EHCP each year
• Student voice is valued and opportunities to gather the opinions and feelings of students are frequent and consistent
Curriculum and Support for Pupils • Amount of time spent each week learning and developing personal, social and health education including relationships, health and well-being and careers and employability
• Students understand the importance of character development and the whole-school 'My Personal Best' programme.
• % of Clare Mount pupils report that they are happy at school and know what to do if they need support
• % of staff who fully understand the school's internal referral systems such that appropriat support can be accessed swiftly
• The number of evidenced-based interventions available to pupils who are experiencing periods of low emotional wellbeing or acute distress
Parents and Carers • % of parents/carers attending annual review of EHCPs
• % of parents/carers who report that Clare Mount helps their child to lead a healthy lifestyle
• % of parents who report that home-school communication is good and that concerns are listend to and acted upon
• % of parents who are happy with the quality of health and wellbeing education that their child receives at Clare Mount.
Partnerships • The strength of the school's links with CAMHS and other agencies demonstrated by regular two-way communication, support and guidance
• Agencies that offer mental health and wellbeing support for pupils and staff are well known to the staff community
• Partnerships that improve health and wellbeing outcomes for the Clare Mount community are created and maintained, especially by the Sports College and Inclusion team
• External agencies, wishing to work with members of the Clare Mount community are quality assured through Service Level Agreements and regular monitoring
Physical Activity and Enrichment • The number of extra curricular clubs and opportunities available during a typical week
• % of Clare Mount students who attend at least one extra-curricular opportunity each week
• % of Clare Mount students who engage in moderate physical activity for a minimum of 420 minutes each week.
• Clare Mount provides a minimum of two hours of physical education for ALL pupils every week.
• Clare Mount maintains its status as an AFPE Quality-Mark and Youth Sport Trust Quaity Mark school in relation to physical education, physical actvity and sport

