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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change



Art should be interpreted as “Art and Design” and as such offers opportunities to pupils to be creative and to develop their practical skills. It is a means to a greater self-awareness and enhance personal development.

Anything in life may be a legitimate subject for Art. Subjects will evolve from what the pupil sees, thinks and feels. Pupils will interpret the same subject in their own way. Their interpretations are not better or worse, just different. All will be equally valid.

Pupils will be given opportunities to work from direct experience as far as possible. They will directly observe as well as working from memory or imagination.

Pupils will have the opportunity to use a wide range of media and must develop an understanding of their properties and the appropriate handling of equipment. They will also learn how to select the materials and equipment which are most suited to the task in hand, and learn to express themselves through the use of visual languages, line, tone, colour, shape, texture, form. Pupils will build up a practical vocabulary. To assist in discussion of work to create a dialogue about Art, theirs and others.

Reference will be made to the works of Artists, Designers, and Craft persons, past and present.


The Art Department has continued to have 100% pass rate this year.

The Art Department at Clare Mount consists of one art teacher, supported by an excellent team of teaching assistants.



The groups in art are run on a carousel system.




Pupils will take this curriculum area on a week carousel basis in Years 7, 8 and 9. Lessons are planned to cover a range of topics including; primary and secondary colours, paper mache bowls, perspective, Lowry style landscapes, batik, images, watercolour and oil pastel techniques using flowers as the theme.

Towards the end of Year 9 the pupils can then decide to continue with this curriculum area in Years 10 and 11.


Pupils start their G.C.S.E. externally accredited coursework at the beginning of Year 10. They will experience visits to art galleries and artists coming into school.


Pupils who attend this course further develop their knowledge and understanding of art. They interpret other styles / cultures of art through their work as a catalyst to lifelong learning.


The Art Department is equipped with four large easy clean work tops. A spacious art room with two large sinks, electric appliances, computes and equipment required for practical work.
