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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change

7 - Identifying need and monitoring impact

7.1 Overview


Systematic measures should be in place in school that assess young people’s emotional well-being.  The outcomes of these assessments should be used as the basis for planning activities and evaluating their impact.

At Clare Mount Specialist Sports College we use a range of strategies for identifying pupils who are at risk of poor emotional and mental health.  Serious cases can be identified sometimes through changes in academic progress, sudden bereavement, trauma, attendance, information from parents/carers or a deterioration in behaviour.  Some cases are less easy to spot, particularly when early signs are subtle and could be attributed to various causes.  Some pupils can be reluctant to share, may want to appear “normal”.  Some may have fears over disclosing such information and be unsure of what will happen next. Sometimes low-level disruption can be a sign that there is an unmet mental health need as well as an academic one.  Although rewards and sanctions may go some way to making pupils conform it may brush over the underlying unmet need.  Behaviour is usually a form of communication where words are not accessible, applying this principle can help to identify and ensure that all mental health needs are met.


7.2 Key areas


  • Validated tools are used to assess pupils’ emotional health and well-being including identifying those who need extra support as well as evaluating outcomes of interventions.
  • Data is used effectively so that changes in pupil patterns of attainment, attendance or behaviour are noted and acted upon.  These can come via pastoral leader, progress leaders or the attendance officer as well as subject teachers or senior leadership.
  • The pastoral system at Clare Mount Specialist Sports College allows for the pastoral leader of each year group to identify concerns arising through changes in behaviour patterns.
  • Strong relationships are developed with earning mentors such that students have a trusted and safe adult to talk to and share their worries.
  • Acknowledgement is needed from all staff that some groups are more vulnerable to mental health issues (see table in Curriculum, teaching and learning section) and those at risk require closer monitoring.
  • All staff have access to the provision map to highlight areas where interventions are taking place.
  • All staff have access to the flowchart for identifying and signposting those in need of help and support.
  • All pupils have access to information on how to keep themselves mentally and emotionally healthy and know where to go for help should they need it.
  • ‘Quality-first’ teaching is taking place in all areas of the curriculum that guarantees pupils’ emotional health and their mental well-being are both being catered for and where there are identified pupils in classes that the work is differentiated to accommodate their specific needs.


    1. Links to the Ofsted Inspection Framework

Steps are continually taken to ensure that the school follows the guidance of OFSTED in matters related to SEMH. Our policy, vision and everyday actions are influenced by the following:


Ofsted Inspection framework: key judgement

Links to pupil health and well-being

Management and leadership

When inspecting the quality of leadership and management at the school, Ofsted inspectors should consider the effectiveness of monitoring and evaluation and the extent to which the information is shared with governors.  They should consider how well the school meets the needs of all vulnerable groups of pupils.

Quality of teaching

Assessing and responding to the emotional health and well-being needs of children and learners, and taking steps to mitigate the impact this has on their capacity to learn could provide supportive evidence in relation to all key judgement areas: the achievement of pupils at school, the quality of teaching in school, the behaviour and safety of pupils at school and the quality of leadership and management of the school.
