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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change

Cricketers are Merseyside SEN Secondary school champions

Today we went to Alder for the Merseyside schools tournament and finished up playing a 3 match "World Series" style set of matches against Alt Bridge. The team was comprised of Kai, Luke, Callum, Nick, Lewis, Jack, Lewis and Roman and they were a credit to Clare Mount. They won all 3 games and were deservedly crowned the champions of Merseyside. What was more heartening for me as the coach is that 6 out of 8 players were in years 7 and 8 whereas other teams are always older. They should be very proud (as I am)


We also saw a couple of old faces who now work on the staff at Greenbank. It was great to see Harry, James and Luke
