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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change

Clare Mount Take Gold Once Again in Fantastic Panathlon 10-Pin Bowling Competition

On Thursday 10th February two teams from Clare Mount took part in the first Panathlon-Merseyside 10-pin bowling Tournament at Hollywood Bowl in Liverpool. Our teams each comprised 3 6th-form students and 3 Year 8 students and it proved to be a very enjoyable (and successful!) afternoon. 


Team 'A' amassed a total of 589 points, with Adam, Jack and Seth all making treble-figures individually. Team 'B' topped out at 576 points with a colossal score from Mikey of 136 points!!! All of the boys improved their technique throughout and they showed brilliant teamwork throughout; encouraging each other and sharing each others' successful strikes and spares!


Mikey's incredible total proved to be the highest score by ANY individual student in the whole event. Adam won the 'Hot-shot' award for the most strikes / spares by any individual. Team 'A' won the overall competition and Team 'B' finished a highly respectable 3rd!


The students were, as always, outstanding role models and ambassadors for Clare Mount throughout the day.
