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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change


  • Anti Bullying conference

    Wed 18 Nov 2015 S. McCannon
    Four students will be taking part in this years anti-bullying conference for secondary aged pupils during Anti Bullying week. The conference will take part 18th November at Wirral Grammar School for Boys. This exciting and motivational conference aims to support pupils to contribute towards anti- bullying work in their own school.
    we wish our students good luck and can't wait to hear all about their day upon their return.
    Matthew C
    Chloe T
    Jack W
    Michael L
  • Year 7 Trip

    Fri 13 Nov 2015 Mrs Croucher
    Year 7 will be visiting Chester Zoo on Tuesday 8th December. At that time we will hand over our fundraising for the Act for Wildlife Go Orange campaign. We are really excited!
  • Clare Mount to become an approved Duke of Edinburgh Centre

    Thu 12 Nov 2015 S. Stanley
    We have successfully supported the personal development of pupils at Clare Mount through delivering the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards in KS4 for the last 10 years. We are now set to become an Approved Centre for D of E giving us more flexibility in how we deliver the course to meet the individual needs of our pupils.  
  • Youth Parliament

    Wed 11 Nov 2015
    The youth parliament is organised to provide an opportunity for pupils to meet and debate with councillors on matters that are important to them. The parliament is regarded as a time for our pupils to influence the thinking of councillors and to shape policy development in Wirral.
    Three of our students have been selected to represent Clare Mount School in the council chambers and debate on the matters arising that affect the youth of Wirral.
    Good luck to Adam P, Owen E and Sophie C that will represent Clare Mount at this debate
  • Clare Mount launchSainsbury's Active Kids Paralympic Challenge

    Tue 10 Nov 2015
    Students and staff from Clare Mount were on hand to help launch Sainsbury's Active Kids Paralympic Challenge along with Liverpool star Daniel Sturridge and Paralympic Champion Jonnie Peacock. The event is part of a Youth Sport Trust initiative to get more young people involved in inclusive sport and to raise awareness of Paralympic sport ahead of the Rio 2016 Games.

    Sainsbury's Active Kids Paralympic Challenge has been designed to introduce 2.5 million young people to the sports of boccia, goalball, sitting volleyball and athletics, offering schools the opportunity to win money can't buy prizes, including a trip to the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.

    The event was hosted at Northcote Primary in Liverpool and was also featured on ITV Granada News. A link to their report and a video of the report can be found HERE


  • Clare Mount celebrating British Values

    Mon 09 Nov 2015 J. Chew

    We celebrated British Values with a dedicated week culminating in an indoor street party! The table below shows the activities that took place over the week.


    PSHE Week – British Values



    Whole School Assembly              AM

    students to Create Placemat      PM    


    Key Ring Competition                  AM+PM


    Ballot to take place in forms

    for form Reps and nominations

    for School  Council Rep*              AM +PM



    Indoor street party and              Lunch + Form

    Activities                                        time


    The key ring competition will result in the winners from each year going to West Wirral Works to make their key rings. There will be an overall winner which will be mass produced so every pupil, staff member, governor, and associate to the school will receive one to commemorate the occasion.

  • Pupils meet Daniel Sturridge, Jonnie Peacock and Kate Grey

    Tue 03 Nov 2015 D. Keefe
    Clare Mount pupils 'got inspired' by special guests Kate Gray (Paralympic swimmer), Jonnie Peacock (Paralympic sprinter) and Daniel Sturridge (England and Liverpool footballer) who worked with the pupils at Northcote Primary School to launch the Sainsbury's Active Kids Paralympic Challenge. Visit's-active-kids-Paralympic-challenge.aspx Sign up now.
  • Clare Mount pupils involved in launch of Sainsbury's Active Kids Paralympic Challenge 2016

    Mon 02 Nov 2015 D. Keefe
    15 pupils from Clare Mount have been selected (as one of only 2 schools) to be involved in the launch of Sainsbury's Active Kids Paralympic Challenge 2016. Other schools and readers are encouraged to register their school by visiting for teacher and leader resources and sports equipment involving athletics, boccia, goalball and sitting volleyball. Be inclusive! Watch this space for details of the GET SET Road to Rio challenge. The school is delighted to be working with YST Consultant Ken Black again on this project.