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Clare Mount SpecialistSports College

Role Models and Catalysts for Change


  • Clare Mount features on BBC Radio Merseyside & Shakespeare for Schools Festival website

    Fri 20 Nov 2020 C.Vicars

    This year has been full of many different challenges for people, business and schools. The Arts has been hit hard with theatres closing, which is why Clare Mount Specialist Sports College Performing Arts department has strived to keep the performance flame burning bright.

    Our school has taken part in the Coram Shakespeare for Schools Festival for many years with huge success and growing recognition. The event ‘One Night of Shakespeare’ takes place in schools tonight Nationwide, with releases of radio plays and one off performances.

    This year we were fortunate enough to have been invited to send recordings and photographs of rehearsals to SSF for inclusion in a piece shared on their website this evening at 7pm to kick start proceedings.

    BBC Radio Merseyside are impressed with the project and spoke to our Assistant Head and director Miss MacLean this morning on the Tony Snell show. Don’t worry if you missed it! Download the BBC Sounds app and listen again. Miss MacLean features at 8:25am.

    Our aim with the project this year is to perform ‘The Winter’s Tale’ as a piece of promenade theatre in our school.  We hope to be able to invite a small audience and will keep you updated about that.

    So, please make your way to the Coram Shakespeare for Schools Festival to celebrate our pupil’s success so far in rehearsals and their commitment and resilience to making this year’s project work. We want to share with you some photographs and we will keep you updated on our progress.

    Cast, a huge well done and keep going. Big thanks to the staff who are collecting costume, building and creating set and props, videoing and photographing.

    We encourage you to visit and click on ‘One Night of Shakespeare’ for lots more information.

    BBC Radio Merseyside

  • A massive thank you from forum housing

    Fri 20 Nov 2020 J. Jones

    Dear Mrs Spracklen and Pupils,


    On behalf of Forum Housing Association and our residents, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your very generous and thoughtful donations towards this year’s Resident Harvest Share. Your donations have made a huge difference and have been distributed to vulnerable people who live within Forum projects. Here are just a few comments from the residents who were so appreciative of your kind donations:


    “Thank you so much I haven’t eaten anything today – really kind of you!”


    “Wow this is amazing!”


    “Awwww tell everyone I said thank you – I used to do harvest when I was in school!”


    The donated food has been put to good use and given out to our residents who don’t have very much. There was also enough food to make welcome bags for new residents that are accommodated with us, in the majority of cases our residents arrive with nothing, and so they really do help provide them with a brighter start and aid them in the first couple of days until they are settled. Once again thank you for your generous support and kindness.

    Kind regards,

    Debbie Thompson


  • Mrs Corcoran, Clare Mount's School Games Organiser wins National Award

    Thu 19 Nov 2020 KB

    At a ceremony on 19th November 2020, Mrs Corcoran - our School Games Organiser (SGO) and Outreach Dance / Zumba Instructor won a prestigious award; The 'Emerging SGO of the Year.'


    The School Games Programme reaches all corners of England and has the aim of getting more young people active through sport and physical activity. Mrs Corcoran and her Wirral School Games colleagues, Mrs Newman and Mrs Barnes work tirelessly week-in, week-out to provide amazing opportunities for young people in all schools in Wirral and alongside another of our celebrated staff; Mr White, the team aim to ensure that inter-school competition is fully inclusive and inspirational. Mrs Corcoran was very humble and generous on receipt of her award and you can hear what she had to say by clicking here:

  • Clare Mount and SHADow Dance launch weekly, virtual Para Dance lessons

    Thu 19 Nov 2020 KB
    Earlier this month, Mrs Poynton and Miss Lear, in partnership with a local dance company; SHADow Dance launched a weekly, virtual dance lesson; and the response has been amazing. In week one, close to 300 pupils from 15 Wirral schools took part with their staff. You can see more here:
  • Jade accepts National Award from The Youth Sport Trust

    Wed 11 Nov 2020 KB

    Last week, Jade in 6th form accepted the Youth Sport Trust Girls Active Young Activist award on behalf of Clare Mount (and five other schools nationally), who have offered sports and activities to the older people in care homes, residential settings and day centres.


    (You can see Jade accepting the award by clicking this link: and forwarding to 15:10. If you have a bit more time; please watch from 10.18 to 16.43 to hear more about this fabulous project) 


    Prior to the pandemic, Jade had secured a work-based placement at Upton Grange Care Home through her brilliant work in Activity Across Ages.  Jade supported Peggy, an older person, to play Paralympic sports and activities such as Boccia and New Age Kurling over a 12 week programme.  This led to Mrs Magnall (who coordinates all the fantastic work-based learning placements for Clare Mount Specialist Sports College), arranging a work-based placement with Anchor Homes based on Upton Grange's wonderful feedback about Jade.


    Our virtual Activity Across Ages work is now coordinated by Mrs Poynton with a virtual cafe, Silver Sports activities and 'Chair-fit' activities being beamed into care homes by 6th form students placed with Mrs Badzire in the cafe on a Wednesday.


    Younger and older people in our modern lives today report terrible issues with loneliness. If we can do our bit to help with this it can only be positive for our community and other communities in terms of well-being.


    Well done Jade and all the Activity Across Ages leaders involved in the programme.
